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Generating more real estate leads is the goal of every real estate agent, and they always find ways to achieve this objective. There is one type of real estate lead agents prefer over others - real estate listings. Agents do all they can to produce, win, and close more listings because real estate listings sustain the career of an agent. 

Of course, many real estate experts have their strategies to bring about that much sought-after listing leads. Some of these ways are pretty common, while others are specifically tailored to particular circumstances. 

Today’s blog post will give you information regarding the different strategies to generate more real estate listing leads. 

Use Social Media

Being consistent in posting real estate stuff on social media is as important as the content of your post. You should be systematic and strategic in your social media operation to build momentum and achieve consistency. And, today, putting out videos on your social media page is a big game-changer. 

Use your calendar and allot two days near the end of the month. The first day should be dedicated to planning your social media video content for the upcoming month. Then, shoot your planned video content on the second day. 

Then, you should ensure your video content has something to do with real estate. For example, you can tell a story about your neighborhood and the people living in it. Create something positive and interesting about the community. More folks will be drawn to your content if it has a good story and production quality. 

Engage with Your Past Clients

A closed transaction is considered “closed” to some. They never re-engage former clients, and they just look for new ones. This thing is not how you do proper business. Your past clients can still bring money to the table if you do not leave them behind after closing a transaction. Experts say that the real work begins after closing every deal. 

For example, encourage every client to leave a Google review on your service. It can also benefit you if you ask for referrals, but you should discover the perfect time to ask such a question. After closing a transaction, you can also conduct a comparative market analysis and annual equity reviews. 

It is also beneficial to you if you encourage your former clients to follow your social media page. This strategy can more or less continue the connection between you and your past clients. Then, on your socials, post content that targets their community needs. 

Use Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile can generate an average of 50 to 70 direct calls per month. The former name of this platform is Google My Business. Although it changed its name, it still has the same features and functions. 

Now, what happens in Google Business Profile is basically an exchange of information between you and Google. Of course, it needs information as much as you want it. So, if you provide it, the platform can also reciprocally give you what you need. 

Learn from real estate experts how to ensure you are getting benefits from Google Business Profile. One authority employs a strategy of taking advantage of reviews by giving follow-up gifts. Write a note asking the recipient for a review when you deliver the gift. You can also put a QR Code on the note that goes straight to your page when scanned. 

Mega Open House

Maybe it is your first time to hear about a mega open house. Of course, there is that ordinary open house. But when you are talking about a grandiose, party-like event where people can view a real estate property for sale, it is called a mega open house. 

A mega open house is an excellent strategy to attract folks who might be interested in buying real estate. The grandiosity of the event is sure to get people excited about it. The more people you bring to the occasion, the more chances you can increase your network. It will also boost your popularity in the neighborhood. 

Be Friendly and Courteous

Real estate agents who want to get more leads should always be courteous and friendly. Being a jerk has no place in the industry. While frustration and stress are common in your work, you should always keep your cool because one negative emotion can ruin your business relationship with your clients. 

Final Thoughts

Those are the things you must consider if you want to generate more real estate listing leads. You should take advantage of social media and produce video content that targets your specific audience. It is also crucial to engage with your former clients, use Google Business Profile, set a mega open house, and be courteous with clients and folks in the industry.