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Abbott Middle School

Abbott Middle School is located in the 48324 zip code of West Bloomfield, Michigan. Abbott Middle School is part of the West Bloomfield School District which also encompasses the nearby communities of Keego Harbor and Orchard Lake as well as a portion of Sylvan Lake. As parents with children attending Abbott Middle School, you’ll find that the principal is very experienced and has spent twenty-one years at Abbott. He believes that middle school is an important bridge between elementary school and high school where children begin to gain a sense of purpose and place in their lives. They address this challenge by ensuring that they have highly trained teachers and a supportive system in place in order to guide the

If you live near Abbott Middle School, you’ll find that you’re in an affluent and highly-desirable area of metro Detroit.  Right off of Orchard Lake Road are boutique shops and restaurants as well as bakeries and grocery stores.  You’ll be near Pine Lake, Orchard Lake and Cass Lake which are perfect for spending those hot summer days.  Cass Lake is the largest and deepest lake in Oakland County with a maximum depth of 123 feet.

A short drive down Orchard Lake Road is Telegraph Road which will get you around the metro Detroit area and Commerce Road will afford you the opportunity to spend time at parks and take part in all the outdoor experiences that the area offers.  Whether looking for a gorgeous home on the lake or a charming home amid a neighborhood with parks, the area around Abbott Middle School is ideal for the growing family.

Facts about the Abbott Middle School

• Abbott Middle School was ranked better than 84.7% of the middle schools in Michigan.
• There are 38 full-time teachers.
• The ratio between teachers to students is 19.2.
• In any given school year, there are approximately 730 students.

Facts about the Abbott Middle School District

The West Bloomfield School District educates approximately 6,600 students from West Bloomfield as well as some of the other nearby communities.  They include portions of: Keego Harbor, Orchard Lake and Sylvan Lake.

There are:
• 5 Elementary Schools
• 2 Middle Schools
• 1 High School

School Information

Abbott Middle School
3380 Orchard Lake Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Phone:  248-865-3670
Principal: Amy Hughes

West Bloomfield Schools
5810 Commerce Rd.
West Bloomfield, MI 48324
Phone:  248-865-6420