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Break-ups often result in melancholic episodes and even depression, especially if they are about friendships and romantic relationships. However, sometimes break-ups may be the only thing that will save your mental health. It is true when you are dealing with difficult people and you end your relationship with them. 

In real estate, cutting ties with clients who have unrealistic expectations and constantly nagging is sometimes necessary. If the client giving you a difficult time is new, you can end the agent-client relationship for his own good and yourself. If you already have a solid working relationship with the client, your decision might need more time for consideration.  

Yes, breaking up with a client can be difficult. But we will give you some tips on how to do it properly. 

Reasons to Cut Ties with Your Real Estate Client

Consider carefully when you are deciding to break up with your client. Take note of these valid reasons you need to cut ties with a client. 

Clients Who Waste Time

Some real estate clients are just trying to find out things and are unsure if they will push through with the deal. In such cases, these clients will consume a significant amount of your time, making you do all the work. And, sometimes, it will take a long time for them to reply to your messages. 

An example of difficult buyers are those who will check several properties but will be undecided to pick one without telling you directly the reasons behind such indecision. Sometimes, they will object to a specific provision in the service agreement that requires them to get mortgage pre-approval before going into showings.

Difficult sellers, on the other hand, are those who choose not to heed your recommendations. For instance, they will refuse to set a reasonable listing price or delay in getting the property ready. 

Rude and Insensitive Clients

Stress is almost always present in real estate transactions because of the financial and emotional aspects of the decision to buy or sell a home. Thus, it is not surprising to meet clients who are too emotional with the deal. 

However, it does not mean the client has to be rude, disrespectful, dismissive, and abusive towards the agent. It is a sign to end the business relationship if your client shows such acts. Moreover, if there is a physical threat or abuse, you can contact the authorities to deal with your client accordingly. 

Unreal Expectations

Managing expectations is one of the real estate agent's duties. Of course, there are market realities that you should make your client understand. However, if the client cannot or chooses not to understand them because of their high expectations, it is better to let them go than stress yourself out. 

For example, as an agent, you should take care of the marketing and pricing. It is your job to know how to navigate these elements of the transaction. The client should not force himself on controlling factors that are beyond the realities of the market. 

Breaking Up with Difficult Real Estate Clients

Once you see that the relationship between you and your client is not going to be fruitful anymore, ending it may be necessary. The question now is how to cut ties with your client amicably. 

Being honest and straightforward with the client is crucial in such a case. Indicate to them your reasons for breaking your agent-client relationship. For example, if the issue is that the client has not completed the mortgage pre-approval as provided in the service agreement before going out on showings, tell him directly that it is why you are cutting ties with him. 

If the client is trying to sell a property but is dilly-dallying the viewing or is refusing to make the property ready for sale, you can tell your client that he is unreasonably wasting time. But make sure to indicate to him the reason in an amicable and professional way. 

Educate Yourself as an Agent

Add more to your knowledge and hone your skills as a real estate agent because of the many challenging scenarios you will encounter in your career. Seeking the advice of seasoned real estate professionals and finding a quality continuing education are crucial. 

You can learn advanced strategies on how to deal with difficult clients. By acquiring more knowledge of the trade, you can manage the expectations of your clients about the real estate market processes and realities. 


Cutting ties with your real estate client can be challenging. However, if you find compelling reasons to do so, you should do it. It is better to let go of a difficult client than sacrifice your mental health or career by continuing the business relationship. In breaking up with a difficult client, be sure to do it in a professional way.