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Amerman Elementary

Amerman Elementary School is located in the 48167 zip code of Northville, Michigan. It is part of the Northville School District which has five additional elementary schools and boasts a ratio of 17 students per 1 full-time teacher. The Northville School District stresses the importance of learning making it their number one priority. They are truly a district committed to excellence.

Facts about the Amerman Elementary:

• Amerman Elementary was ranked better than 96.3% of the elementary schools in Michigan.
• Amerman Elementary was also ranked 2nd among the 6 elementary schools in Northville.
• There are 28 full-time teachers
• The ratio between teachers to students is 19.4
• In any given school year, there are approximately 535 student
• School starts at 8:45am and dismisses at 3:45pm

Amerman Elementary is striving be a “green school” by going paperless.  They try to collect parents’ email addresses to encourage correspondence between parents and teachers and to send out important information and updates.

Facts about the Amerman Elementary District

Over 7,000 young residents in Northville attend the Northville School District.  There are:

• 6 Elementary School
• 2 Middle Schools
• 1 High School (Go Mustangs!)
-In 2011, Northville High School was ranked 227th in the entire country and 5th in the state of Michigan.

School Information

Amerman Elementary School
847 North Center St
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: 248-465-2100
Principal: Debbie Madeja

Northville Public Schools
501 W. Main Street
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: 248-344-3500