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Moraine Elementary

Moraine Elementary School is located on 8 Mile Road just east of Beck Road in Northville, Michigan. Situated in the 48167 zip code of Northville, this school is ranked extremely high in the state of Michigan. In fact, it ranks better than over 96% of all the elementary schools in the state. This area of metro Detroit is very safe and is right near Maybury State Park which is a 1,000 acre park featuring horseback riding, playground equipment and much more activities for the family.

If you live near Moraine Elementary School, you’ll be near downtown Northville which has everything from boutique shops and restaurants to farmers markets and art fairs.

Facts about the Moraine Elementary

• Moraine Elementary was ranked better than 96.1% of the elementary schools in Michigan.
• Moraine Elementary was also ranked 3rd among the 6 elementary schools in Northville.
• There are 23 full-time teachers
• The ratio between teachers to students is 17.9
• In any given school year, there are approximately 430 students
• School starts at 8:45am and dismisses at 3:45pm

Facts about the Moraine Elementary District

The Northville School District educated over 7,000 students which encompasses Northville and portions of Novi, Lyon Township and Salem Township.  There are::

• 6 Elementary School
• 2 Middle Schools
• 1 High School
-In 2011, Northville High School was ranked 227th in the entire country and 5th in the state of Michigan

School Information

Moraine Elementary School
46811 8 Mile Rd
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: 248-465-2150
Principal: Denise Bryan

Northville Public Schools
501 W. Main Street
Northville, MI 48167
Phone: 248-344-3500